Gavin - 6 Months
We just started Gavin on rice cereal, carrots, and green beans. He really struggles when they are too thick or the texture is not really smooth. But that is pretty normal considering he's been only on solids for little over a week now. But he seems to really like them for the most part. Although he does like to do a good old raspberry while eating which sprays food everywhere!
We finally have Gavin sleeping the night again. We moved him into his own room and do hear him up several times in the night, but he manages to get himself back to sleep without any crying. It is wonderful. And he loves to sleep with his lovie covering his head. He must like it super dark or to feel himself breathe. It freaked me out at first that my young baby would have a small blanket on his head, but he seriously prefers it that way. And I know the lovie is small and easy for him to get off his head if he wants to.
Gavin is not much of a pacifier baby, which is fine with me since his temperment doesn't really require it. And it was so hard to get Devin off the pacifier that I'd be thrilled to not have to go through that with Gavin.
I just moved Gavin up to 18 month size clothes. He is a growing boy. The sleeves are a little long, but it fits otherwise. He really moved through the previously sizes super fast, so I'm glad I just had a bunch of Devin's hand-me-downs.
One thing I really appreciate about Gavin is how he is pretty self entertained. I can put him on the floor with some toys or in the exersaucer and he'll play for a long time on his own. And he always enjoys a good laugh with his older brother. The two of them laugh back and forth. It is very sweet!
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