Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Baby Pool

Ok, the arrival of this kid is as good a guess as anyones. My coworker, Vickie, has put together a pool if you want to make your guess as to when Baby Valdez will make his or her debut. The cost is only $1 per guess...and you can have multiple choices. Isn't that why we buy more than one lottery ticket at a time? As a participant, you would need to make your guess as to Boy or Girl, Delivery date, Delivery time, Weight, and Length. No 10 pound guesses please!! haha. You can send your info and $$ to Vickie Nutter at 2399 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 200, Sacramento, CA 95833. She's as detailed as they come, so rest assured that your $$ and info will be properly logged and accounted for. Good luck!


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